مُذَكَّر - Masculine

مُذَكَّر - Masculine

Today, we will learn about مُذَكَّر!
We have learned that the existence of the two elements in feminine nouns distinguish the two genders.

Therefore, it is simpler to identify masculine nouns as the word do not end with Taa’ Marbutah (ـة) or Alif Mamdudah (اء).

Like feminine nouns, there are nouns that we automatically know it is masculine due to the meaning, such as (أَخٌ) which means brother and brothers are boys/men.

We too have to use the same gender in a sentence (subject and predicate)
For example: الفَصلُ كَبِيرٌ
(The classroom is big)

Upcoming post: هَذَا - هَذِهِ



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